There are options available if your player needs financial assistance to play NYBL.
1) Novi Youth Assistance - If you are a Novi resident, please start by applying to the NYA for a scholarship. NYA is run through the City of Novi and is available to players age 5 to 18. Approval by NYA is based on financial need. Please apply no less than 3 to 4 weeks prior to payment due date.
Click below for NYA Application:
Upon approval from NYA, please contact NYBL.

Novi Youth Assistance is sponsored by:
City of Novi
Novi Community School District
Oakland County Circuit Court- Family Division
Our Mission
We are a non-profit community service organization committed to strengthening youth and families by preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency, child neglect and child abuse through community involvement.
Novi Youth Assistance provides scholarships to youth who would benefit from a positive learning experience, designed to enhance their self-esteem, and a specific skill such as math and reading tutoring, dance, baseball, football, voice, musical instrument or art lessons. Novi Youth Assistance provides camp scholarships to young people who are in need of either a day camp or overnight camp. The scholarships are tailored to meet the unique needs of each youth who participates.
2) Payment plans are also available and will be set up based on need. Please contact NYBL if you are interested in a payment plan. This will allow you to space your payment out over a 6 week period.
[email protected]