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NYBL - Novi Youth Baseball League

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Registration for the 2025 Spring/Summer House league is now open for Pinto through Pony divisions and will run thru Mid-March.  After registration is closed, players will be able to register as long as there are spots still available on teams.   See below for additional information.   Games, practices and team assignments cannot be given out until registration is completed, the number of teams are decided based on registration #'s, coaches are assigned and teams are drafted (typically early April).

See News Article link for updated info.

2025 Registration Announcement

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Please read thru this page before you email and ask questions.  Many of the questions are answered on this page.  

Click the "Umpire" link on this website for detailed information and to see if the Umpire Training Dates have been set. 

Division Name


 Birthday  Requirement for the 2025 Season

 May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2019**
 May 1, 2014 - April 30, 2016
 May 1, 2012 - April 30, 2014
 May 1, 2010 - April 30, 2012
 May 1, 2008 - April 30, 2010
 May 1, 2006 - April 30, 2008

All divisions are based on the May 1st age cut-off dates.  The NYBL requires a waiver approved for a younger player to participate in a higher age division.   Players with "summer birthdays" during cut-off years can decide to "play up" during the registration process and can sign off on the waiver during registration.   If the birthday misses the cut-off by more than 4 months, special consideration will be needed to bump the player to a higher division.  


There is NOT a Novi residency requirement for players to play NYBL Pinto thru Palomino.

NYBL currently offers house leagues for the spring/summer.   Fall leagues will not register until the August time-frame.

Teams for all divisions (Pinto through Palomino) are formed via a coach draft.   ALL players in Pinto, Mustang and Bronco who register will go thru an evaluation process and will be drafted to a team.   Evaluations are done so teams can be balanced.   This is not a try-out, it is an evaluation.   Uniform fittings are also done on evaluation day.

NYBL also offers a weekend tournament tryout team program comprised of NYBL House players.  Typically this applies to 8u teams, but consideration will be given to forming older teams if there is enough interest.   Please see link for additional information on the Novi Inferno.

 Pinto (Ages 6-8)
The Pinto Division is a machine pitch league that uses a spring loaded or sling-shot machine.  Each team will field 10 players.  The teams will be created with a draft process.    Players that are 6 to 6.5 years old as of May 1st,  will be able to register and pay online, but they will have a special registration that asks them to sign off on a waiver that they are slightly younger than the recommended age.  They will still play in the Pinto division with all 6-8 year old players.    Games are typically Monday thru Friday.   There will be a couple of weekend games.   Games are played at ITC Park (Eight Mile Road and Napier) or a vs another local league.  If you have a more "experienced" player that is younger than 6 as of May 1st, but you are interested in playing NYBL, please send an email to [email protected] for consideration.

Players that are too young to play NYBL, typically play baseball for Novi Parks and Rec Coach Pitch until they are old enough to "graduate" into the Pinto division.   Novi Parks and Rec is a separate organization from NYBL.   Please see the Novi Parks and Rec website if looking for tee-ball or coach pitch teams.

Mustang (Ages 9-10)
The Mustang Division is a player pitch league.  Each team will field 10 players.  An evaluation is performed prior to each season and teams are created through a draft.   Games are typically Monday thru Friday.   There will be a couple of weekend games. Games are played at ITC Park (Eight Mile and Napier) or another local league.   Depending on the number of teams, t
here may be cross community games.  Games will be within 30 minutes of Novi.

Bronco (Ages 11-12)
The Bronco Division is a player pitch league.  Each team will field 9 players.  An evaluation is performed prior to each season and teams are created through a draft.  Games are typically Monday thru Friday.   There will be a couple of weekend games.   Game are played at ITC Park (Eight Mile and Napier).   There are cross community games as well in Bronco Division.  Games will be within 30 minutes of Novi.

Pony (Ages 13-14)
The Pony Division is based on formal baseball rules.  Teams play neighboring communities.  Game times will vary depending field schedules for ITC Park and neighboring community fields.   ITC Park is the home field (Eight Mile and Napier).

Colt (Ages 15-16)
The Colt Division is based on formal baseball rules.  Teams play neighboring communities.   Games start in June.  NYBL plans to have at least one Colt team.   Game times will vary depending on field schedules for ITC Park and neighboring community fields.   ITC Park is the home field (Eight Mile and Napier).

Palomino (17-18)
The Palomino Division is based on formal baseball rules.  Teams play neighboring communities. Games start in June.   Game times will vary depending on field schedules for ITC Park and neighboring community fields.  ITC Park is the home field (Eight Mile and Napier).

General / Estimated 2025 Information for players ages 6-14 (Pinto, Mustang, Bronco and Pony)

Registration for 2025 Season will run February thru end of March for 2025 (or until all spots on teams are filled).

2024 prices will remain the same (no increase since 2021). There is a $10 early registration discount has been instituted if registration and full payment is received by March 5th.

2025 Prices:
-Pinto - $200
-Mustang - $210
-Bronco - $210   
-Pony - $220  
-Prices will include all uniforms (hat, jersey, pants, socks), umpire fees, NYBL field rental fees, etc.   The season is targeted to be a 12 game season, plus play-offs.  

-Practice and game schedules will not be completed until registration is completed, the number of teams solidified and coaches are identified.   Players will be notified by their coach after the draft about specific team placement (draft is early April).   Practices and game times will then be developed based on coach, team and field availability.

Target Dates for 2025 Season (Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, Pony):
-Registration Deadline:   Mid-March (number of teams will be decided) 

-Pinto Evaluations: Slated for April 6th (schedule still TBD)
-Mustang - Slated for April 6th (schedule still TBD) 
-Bronco - Slated for April 6th (schedule still TBD)
-Pony Evaluations: No evaluations.
Evaluations for Pinto, Mustang and Bronco typically take place between 1:00 and 5:00 at the Strike Zone.   This is an evaluation for draft purposes... NOT a tryout.

-Drafts:  Early April
-Practices targeted to start after April 14th, weather permitting and if Fields are thawed and dry.    NYBL rents fields from the City of Novi and cannot begin practices until we have approval from the City of Novi that fields are "released".
-Weekday games begin - Early May
-Additional Weekend Games - TBD
-Playoffs begin - End of June
-Playoff Championship Games - End of June


Practices for players aged 6-14 will start mid to late April.   This depends on field condition.

If you believe you may need financial assistance, please see the link to Novi Youth Assistance scholarships or contact [email protected] to set up a payment plan.


NYBL has a no refund policy unless there are documented extenuating circumstances.

Colt and Palomino 2025 General / Estimated Information: 2025 Pricing is TBD

Colt and Palomino seasons begin later than the younger divisions.   Registration will begin in late April.  Sign ups will end mid May.   Season will start in June.   These teams will be created if there is enough interest and a Head Coach identified.

2024 Colt and Palomino Cost - $230.   
12 to 14 games against Novi teams and surrounding community teams.  

A general response to the most typical questions I get about how games and the season is run....

Equipment:  Players must have their own glove.   Many players prefer their own bat and helmet, but each team will have a bat bag with helmets and bats that can be shared.   Players wear baseball cleats, soccer cleats or tennis shoes.   If you are unsure what to get, just bring your glove to the first practice.  Please wait until after the first practice to buy items like a bat.  Also see the NYBL Bat Standards as NYBL does not require USA stamped bats.   For gloves, a good place to look for a decent, reasonably priced glove is Play It Again Sports.   NYBL provides uniforms before the games start (hat, jersey, pants, socks, belt for Mustang and older age groups).

What can I do to prepare my beginner player for their first practice?   If you have not already, please get a tennis ball and play catch with them in your back yard with their glove.   Throw grounders, pop-ups, etc.   Help them with hand-eye coordination.  Help them with their throwing motion (i.e. right handers, step with left foot, etc).

This is a house league.   All players will be drafted to a team.  NYBL does player evaluations so team talent can be balanced.

Uniforms are included in the price.   Uniforms are ordered during registration for Mustang, Bronco and Pony.  There is an opportunity to change sizes at evaluations.

After evaluations, the coaches will get together and draft the teams for that division.   (Typically in early April).   You will then be notified to your coach as to which team you will be on.

The coach will then work with the team to find times that work best with the coach schedule, team and field schedules.  NYBL cannot assign practice or game times/dates to a specific player at the time of registration as it is too early in the process to know this information.   There is a spot for "comments" in the registration.   You can put any specifics you have in the comment section and the coaches doing the drafts will be privy to these comments.   The coach may take these comments into consideration while they are drafting a player.

Games will be during the week and will vary from week to week based on the field and team.   Typically once games start in May, there will be one game per week and one practice.   In June the games will be more on average of twice per week and sometimes 3 if there are rainout games to make-up.  Teams may also choose to practice once per week in June.   Start times for Pinto games are either 6:00 or 7:20.   There will be a couple of Saturday afternoon games....    Opening Day and most likely one of the first 2 weekends in June.   Games and practice schedules cannot be put together until we know how many teams we will have, all teams are formed, etc.    Also, prior to games starting, the teams will typically practice one weeknight and one time during the weekend.  
Pinto teams will be created with a player draft.  Pinto evaluations will be about 45 minutes and will consist of basic throwing and hitting skills.   All players will be placed on a team, this just gives the coaches an idea of skill level so when they are drafting the teams the teams can be as even as possible.

For first practice:   Players need their own glove.   Most wear rubber cleats.  Soccer cleats are fine.  Tennis shoes are fine.   Each coach will have their own equipment bag with helmets and bats.   Many players prefer to purchase their own helmet.   Be sure to read bat regulations prior to purchasing a bat.  NYBL does not require a USA bat for younger players.  Link to Bat Standards
If you have specific days of the week you prefer, you can put it in the "special requests" section of the registration.   A coach may have an idea of their preferred practice times by the draft and may be able to draft based on the special request.   But, because it is a coach draft... practice nights cannot be guaranteed.
As background...  my 3 boys played Novi Lightning Travel Soccer and NYBL simultaneously for multiple years.   The month of May is very busy if playing soccer and NYBL baseball.   Sometimes they would miss a soccer practice for baseball and sometimes they miss baseball for soccer.   In general though, it amazingly all seems to work out.   I answer this question from many parents.  If there is a direct conflict of all practice nights once teams are drafted and the coaches select practice nights, we can work with those players on an individual "case by case" basis.  

Do you offer Fall Baseball?   Yes, we offer fall baseball. Registration is usually open in early August.  Practices typically start in late August and games start in early September.  Typically games fall on weekends for about 6 weekends.  One game per weekend.   Please check back in August for additional information for that year.
